Small Business | Castle
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Grow your business by 351%

Gain up to 12:1 ROAS on your ad spend

Let’s talk revenue. It’s what we do best.

*average growth pattern from one of our clients

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What does success look like?

This data shows the results from our legal sector PPC campaigns over seven months. Over this period, we generated a potential revenue of £2,976,000, with the average claim worth around £800. These ads ran at a potential ROAS of 21:1. During the same period, we generated a potential revenue of £1,480,000 from lead form submissions, representing a potential ROAS of 10:1.

Car supply retailer PPC performance year to date

This shows the performance of our PPC campaigns for a car supply retailer over six months. During this time, we generated 827 conversions, and with an average order value of £32.22, this represents a potential revenue generation of £26,645.94. As the cost per conversion was just £0.40p, the ads were running at an average ROAS of 80:1.

Legal sector PPC ads ​

This data shows the performance of our affiliate marketing campaigns over a singular month for a client in the commercial cleaning sector. Throughout July, we generated £38,898.21 in revenue through affiliate marketing, an increase of 52% compared to the previous month. ​

Despite a slight decrease in clicks, overall transactions also increased by 29%, which shows campaigns throughout July had a much higher conversion rate and an increased average order value. In July, the conversion rate across affiliate marketing campaigns increased by 40%, from 5% to 7%. And we also increased the average order value by 17% in July

Post-COVID marketing campaign for heating client​​

This data shows the performance of a two-month post-COVID marketing campaign we ran for an eCommerce commercial and home heating client. In two months, we generated £196,078.51, a 334% increase on the previous period. This increase was in part down to the 140% increase in returning customer rate, as well as the conversion rate increase of 26%, and increase in average order value of 35%. This campaign resulted in a huge increase in sales over just two months and contributed to the 370% increase in sales during quarter two of the year, compared to the first quarter.​

Post-COVID marketing campaign for heating client​

This chart shows how a commercial cleaning client of ours has grown since working with Castle. In just over a year, we have generated £1,916,314.27, a 320% increase on the previous period. Overall, we have increased traffic by 1,061%, returning customer rate by 22% and average order value by 57%.​

In our first full year working with the client, we increased sales by 188%, traffic by 119%, returning customer rate by 30%, and average order value by 48%. So far this year, we have managed to increase sales by 121%, traffic by 93%, returning customer rate by 70%, and average order value by 33%, compared to the previous period, and have already generated over a £1,000,000 in sales.

Commercial cleaning retailer performance since working with Castle​

This data shows year-on-year improvement of our affiliate marketing campaigns for a client in the health and wellness sector. In July 2022, we generated £16,503.04 through affiliate marketing, an increase of 35% compared to the July 2021. Transactions increased by 32% despite a decrease in clicks due to a huge 700% increase in conversion rate. ​

Year-on-year affiliate performance for a health and wellness brand ​
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Work with a renowned agency

We’ve opened up spaces to help 20 small businesses in the North-West. With Castle you may benefit from:

  • Affordable retainer values
  • Optional bolt-on hours each month
  • Access to our network
  • Access to a team of over 40 marketing professionals
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Bespoke marketing strategy
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What you can expect

Here are just a few of the things we can guarantee to you

Gain up to 12:1 ROAS on your ad spend
Truly transform your business
Grow your business by 351%
Your ad budget is spent only on ads, we do not take a cut
Fast deployment - we can start yesterday!
Our strategy is driven by what the data tells us
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Don’t just take our word for it!

Craig Newton

HNK Solicitors

261% Growth

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