Spotlight: Chemist4U
Chemist4U is an online pharmaceutical provider that sells thousands of products to its clients across the country. With such a high volume of products and sales along with their requirement for a safe and secure site to prevent drug abuse. And the company needed an e-commerce solution that included an advanced filtration system to increase the efficiency of the search tool. Among many additional features that improved their customer experience.
The Challenge
The original Chemist4U site was a basic template with no advanced search facilities. We needed to create more effective ways for the customer to search the products and purchase items quickly. The first challenge was to re-categorise all the products into a format that could communicate with the filter.
The next challenge was about increasing conversion throughout the site. C4U had a conversion rate of approximately 8%. Additionally, they wanted to increase this to 15% with a further increase after 12 months to 20%. We were given free rein on how we managed to reach this objective.
However, another major challenge was cloning the site as part of using the current product range and decreasing development time. The site did not possess half the facilities needed for easy migration.
The Solution
Many new challenges arose from the solutions we created. As we needed to increase conversion, speed and ease of use were critical. Therefore our first solution was to make the checkout process quicker. And we generated an Amazon payment facility, for one-click purchasing and integrating Google API for an auto-fill option for credit/debit card payments.
We built the filter using a plugin purchase to decreased development time by 14 days but still redesigning the front skin and activating relevant filtrations. Along with installing a mega menu facility so the customers could click into sub-categories and products with greater ease.
A large part of the increasing conversion was within the front end design. And resulted in moving buttons and boxes, creating related product algorithms on product pages. As well as installing third-party applications. As part of the conversion criteria, we installed VE Interactive, a conversion tool that analyses website behaviour and creates offers for customer that are about to leave the site.
Lastly, we created a module that categorised the clients on their purchase history, gender, time of purchase and 12 other factors to segment their contact information into multiple after-sales software outlets.
Chemist4U The Value
Within month one, sales figures had increased by 12%, most of that coming from repeat users. By month three VE interactive generated 17% of new sales from customers about to leave the site. Also, the conversion had risen by month 6 from 8% to 21%. Therefore the value of our services generated over £115,000 worth of added sales in 20 weeks.