A simple guide to writing a LinkedIn article
1. Find something you’re interested in!
Think about your audience. You’re on LinkedIn remember so don’t go writing about your apparent obsession with the Game of Thrones. By that I mean, don’t start rambling on about different characters or scenes randomly. There are some ways you could incorporate a hobby into your LinkedIn posts though.
For example, if you’ve got a job in sales/marketing and you’re a football fanatic, you could write a post about your clubs marketing affiliations, or their social presence and persona and how that compares to the general perception of the club. You could talk about ticket sales and their relation to performance.
In addition, anything you write should have been researched. You need to know about your topic.
2. Don’t make it difficult to read.
When writing a blog post you need to have mobile phones at the front of your mind. Mobile is by far the most common method of users reading articles and blog posts. The days of the laptop are over.
With mobiles, you need to write short concise paragraphs, 3 to 4 sentences minimum. Don’t make it too wordy as this might turn readers off. Use bullet points, numbers, use a list format… you get the idea. Keep it short and get to the point quickly. This all might be a struggle at first but practice makes perfect.
3. Don’t spend too long on it.
You’re writing a social post, not a novel, don’t spend more than an hour on the actual writing part. Research is essentially just reading about a subject you’re interested in so spend as much time as you like on that… Just make sure you know what you’re talking about.
4. Make it interesting.
So, you’ve got your topic now, remember it’s a blog, find illustrations, quotes maybe even videos that relate to when you write. You need an enticing lead in to make people click. But never use clickbait, this will just make people unfollow you.
5. Utilise keywords
You want people to be able to find your article, right? Keywords are just that… key. In your research phase, use tools like google trends or ‘Keyword Shitter’ to name just a couple.
6. Enjoy it.
You’re writing. It’s an art, something you can improve on, it helps you in your everyday life and most importantly you’re writing about something you’re interested in so it should be enjoyable.